Girls Leadership’s Research Program explores and answers knowledge gaps in girls’ psychology, development, and leadership. Our research is available for free and broadly distributed to schools, community-based organizations, programs, and policy makers to support systemic impact.  Girls Leadership’s research is made possible through partnerships with academics, research firms, corporations and donors. If you are interested in supporting or co-sponsoring our efforts, please contact us.

Why We Lead, the first national study of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) youth, found that schools are a complex landscape: schools are both a vital source of community support, and they also serve as arenas of bias and prejudice from peers and adults alike. Fortunately, the Girls Leadership Youth Research Council …

When Girls Leadership wanted to know how best to support Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) girls and gender-expansive youth, we knew that girls themselves would be the best people to tell us what they need. That’s why we created the Youth Research Council, a group of 17 AANHPI youth selected from more …