Most of us don’t know where to begin to design tech boundaries – or iRules – for smartphones and devices. That’s ok. 4 min read
If your kid is wondering “What’s wrong with me? Why don’t I know what I’m passionate about?” these steps can help. 7 min read
We love these games because they get kids to think creatively, empowering them to express their thoughts and voice, and they show them that their contributions matter. 2 min read
Learn how to provide a safe space for girls to tell their story, discover their strengths, and realize their capacity for leadership. 6 min read
Girls learn a lesson that boys don’t around kindergarten age. They learn to believe that boys are smarter. by Simone Marean, Girls Leadership Co-Founder 4 min read
Equip your girl with social problem-solving skills to tap into her power. 8 min read>
I recently found myself acting like a 6 year old, and not in a run-around-the-yard-barefoot, happy-go-lucky kind of way. It was more of a “but-you-started-it” shouting match kind of way. Needless to say, it wasn’t my proudest parenting moment. by Molly Mills 2 min read
3 simple, powerful tools for strengthening your confidence muscle. 6 min read
I’m a single dad to a 14 year old who takes 2 hours to get ready every morning. There’s an oil and steam ritual she must do daily, and then hair styling and makeup… She told me, “You just don’t understand, I’m not pretty. I have to do all this.” and now I don’t know what to do or say. She’s very pretty; her aunts and grandmother say so too. I’m worried she’s got a very unrealistic view of herself and it will undermine her self-esteem in the long run. Help? 4 min read
Until our culture evolves, girls and women must play entirely different game. 6 min read