In-Person Professional Development

Collective Belonging: SEL Strategies for Gender + Racial Equity

Join Girls Leadership for a three-day professional development learning retreat April 14-16, 2025 in Oakland, CA.

Reserve Your Spot.

In this training, you will experience, share, and practice social-emotional learning tools and strategies that promote gender and racial equity to support you in creating spaces where every student feels like they belong. You will receive a robust SEL curriculum, designed with the needs of the most marginalized girls in mind, that will prepare you to support all of your students.
We will create a powerful community of collective belonging, where participants give each other permission to show up with authenticity and compassion for self and others. Our community is where we practice wellness, tap into our bravest selves, take risks, make mistakes, laugh, learn, and grow.

“I showed up to empower my girls, and I am leaving understanding that this is what I needed for me.” —Collective Belonging Participant


Monday, April 14 – Wednesday, April 16, 2025


Uptown Station (Block)
1955 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612


$750 – Sliding Scale. Price includes food and beverages, and the full curriculum.

The cost of this training for us is $750 per participant. We understand that different folks are navigating varying levels of access to funding for professional development opportunities. Our sliding scale offers you the opportunity to pay the amount that aligns with the funds that you have available to cover the cost.

Reserve Your Spot

Join Us In Oakland

The price does not include travel or lodging. Space is limited to 35 participants.


Who is this program for?

  • Professionals who work with girls in grades 5–12.
  • Teachers, coaches, counselors (in private practice, school, etc.), program staff, formal volunteers, etc.

What is Collective Belonging Professional Development?

  • It’s an experiential 3-day training with a duration of 20 hours.

What are the benefits of a Girls Leadership training?


  • Examine your own relationship with social-emotional skills to effectively model strategies
  • Recognize signs of compassion fatigue and ways to take care of your own mental health
  • Reconnect with your passion for improving young people’s lives


  • Meet and learn alongside educators from many different backgrounds who share your commitment to helping young people thrive
  • Share knowledge, fun activities, and good food
  • Gather in groups to process your experience, support each other, and prepare to take what your learned back to your community


  • Learn to identify bias as it shows up in your work with youth and take steps to interrupt it
  • Implement culturally responsive mindsets and practices
  • Develop your understanding of trauma responses and practice creating a healing-centered environment
  • Experience our curriculum as a participant and a facilitator to gain crucial facilitation skills
  • Receive a curriculum developed by educators, for educators that includes 80+ lessons ready to implement or adapt to your classroom



Community Contract Creation & Implementation
Belonging & Brave Space Making
Social-Emotional Learning & the Girls Leadership Way
Culturally Responsive Mindsets

Culturally Responsive Mindsets
Deep Dive into Educator Bias: the Ready to Lead Report
Recognizing Implicit Bias
Bias Intervention with Scenarios

Recognizing & Addressing Compassion Fatigue
Trauma Informed Care: Understanding Trauma and Associated Responses
Mindset Shifts through the Four Pivots
Taking a Healing-Centered Approach to Work with Youth


Our gender and culturally responsive curriculum focuses on five domains with lessons aligned to developmentally appropriate outcomes at three levels: Introductory, Developing, and Advanced.

Girls Leadership SEL Learning Domains represented in a multi-colored wheel of interlocking puzzle pieces. Brave Space Groundwork is at the center

It was developed in partnership with girls and gender-expansive youth in grades K–12 from across the country, including Girls Athletic Leadership School in Denver and Los Angeles, Natomas School District in Sacramento, The Young Women’s Leadership Schools in East Harlem, Queens, Bronx, and Astoria, and United Playaz and West Bay Pilipino Multi-Service Center in San Francisco to support the development, testing, and iteration of our lessons.

  • Each participant will receive a copy of the curriculum, which includes the Girls Leadership curriculum with culturally responsive and trauma-informed lessons
  • The ratio of practice and activity versus instruction is 2:1 for optimal collaboration
  • Lessons are developmentally appropriate and adaptable for grades K–12
  • Lessons cover five domains: Mindfulness + Self-Compassion, Identity + Self-Awareness, Diversity + Social-Awareness, Community + Relationship Skills, and Advocacy + Action


Join Us

Reserve Your Spot



“I think that this three day training has really helped me see how being vulnerable and letting students know about your lived experience models boundaries for them.” – Social Worker, TWYLS Astoria

“The first day I walked in, the energy was different. It was way better than pre-COVID doing a lot of workshops, so that was amazing to walk into. But the information was on point, the direction was on point. The engagement was on point too. The facilitators and the people that attended the cohorts were amazing. It worked. And I think the target hit.” – Mental Health Counselor

“This community was wonderful. Everyone was engaged, everyone was innovative, and everyone was sharing their own experiences and the facilitators were very energetic and the energy in the room was fantastic. And I learned so much from my fellow program participants as well from all backgrounds.” – Program Manager, Leadership and Mentoring Program at the University of Central Florida.

100% of Collective Belonging participants would recommend the training to a friend or colleague.


Frequently Asked Questions

What do we mean by “collective belonging” and why does it matter?  
When girls feel seen and feel like they belong in a community, they feel like they can show up authentically, be fully present, do their best work, and learn. You will get to experience this sense of belonging in an intentional way, so you can recreate this experience for your girls and all of your students.

Can I receive credits for this professional development? 
If your supervising organization approves this professional development to meet CEUs, we can approve documentation that certifies your hours of participation.

Who is the professional development for? 
The sessions are designed for educators, administrators, district leaders, youth-serving professionals, counselors, and formal volunteers who work regularly with youth in grades K–12.

Can I train others to teach the curriculum? 
Completion of this professional development does not authorize individuals to sell the program or train others to teach it.

I’m not sure if I’m ready to register, who can answer my questions? Thank you for your interest in this training. Please fill out this form if you have questions or need additional information to support your registration and our National Engagement Director, Amal Aziz will get in touch with you.

* Required fields



Professional development training clients include Harlem Children’s Zone, The Young Women’s Leadership Schools of East Harlem, Astoria, and Queens, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Alameda County School District, Ulloa Elementary School, Natomas School District, Redwood City Unified School District, Denver Public Schools, and Girls Inc. of Alameda and Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest.



COVID Safety Guidelines

COVID-19 Safety and Preventative Measures  
With the safety and wellness of all participants and facilitators as the highest priority, Girls Leadership Professional Development will run in accordance with the most up-to-date COVID guidance from the local health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Indoor mask-wearing will be recommended if it is not required by the local health department or the CDC.


Why Choose Girls Leadership Professional Development Programs?

For your community: We embrace the importance of cultural competence and strive to create an environment where everyone’s voice is heard and valued. That’s why our programs are tailored to reflect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of girls and gender-expansive youth, and the diverse adults who care for them. 

For your career: Our programs focus on developing professional skills and tools that include emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-awareness to make you a more effective and confident educator.

For your colleagues: Learn from seasoned facilitators who are not only well-versed in social-emotional learning (SEL) principles but also deeply committed to promoting gender and racial equity. They will guide you through transformative experiences and create an inclusive space for open dialogue so you can connect meaningfully with educators who share your commitments.

For your students: We provide strategies to help you better connect with all of your students as well as a curriculum designed to create bravery and belonging in your teaching space. By incorporating SEL, which research shows improves both students’ academic success and overall well-being, you can provide the foundations they need for healthy relationships, confidence, and leadership skills. 

For yourself: We believe that this work starts with healing, wellness, rest, and community. With strategies to prevent compassion fatigue and connect with your values, our training reminds you that sometimes, the best way to help those around you is to first nourish yourself.