

Using a culturally responsive and trauma-informed lens, our plug-and-play curriculum is focused on the following five domains with lessons aligned to developmentally appropriate outcomes at three levels, Introductory, Developing, and Advanced.

Girls Leadership SEL Learning Domains represented in a multi-colored wheel of interlocking puzzle pieces. Brave Space Groundwork is at the center


Mindfulness + Self-Compassion

Introductory: I can connect with my internal voice.
Developing: I can use strategies to self-regulate.
Advanced: I can practice self-care techniques that support my mental health and wellness.


Identity + Self-Awareness

Introductory: I can explore the components that make up my identity.
Developing: I can explain how my environment and community impact my identity, including my beliefs, values, and biases.
Advanced: I can explore how identity relates to confidence and practice self-efficacy in challenging scenarios.


Diversity + Social-Awareness

Introductory: I can explore how my experiences are similar to or different from others’.
Developing: I can evaluate how my identity impacts my experiences with power, privilege, and oppression.
Advanced: I can explore how allyship and solidarity help build community across identities.


Community + Relationship Skills

Introductory: I can identify how I’m feeling and make decisions about when/how to share my feelings with others.
Developing: I can practice communicating my needs and taking others’ perspectives.
Advanced: I can recognize different conflict styles and navigate conflict in my community.


Justice + Action

Introductory: I can identify key people and events that influence what issues matter most to me.
Developing: I can name, evaluate, and defend my core values.
Advanced: I can evaluate problems and use my core values to develop a plan of action.

In addition to our five domains, the Brave Space category and Games and Activities category offer content for building a strong community and trusting environment with your youth.


The curriculum was developed in partnership with middle school girls in grades 6-8 from across the country, including Girls Athletics Leadership School in Denver and Los Angeles, The Student Leadership Network in the Bronx and Astoria, and United Playaz and West Bay Pilipino Services Center in San Francisco to support the development, testing, and iteration of our lessons.