Cultivating a Growth Mindset
Through Mindfulness + Self-Compassion
Build skills for growth mindset in the classroom with this interactive, experiential training.
This training is for:
Education professionals serving youth in grades 5-12
Wednesday, January 15, 2024
3:30 – 5:30 PM Pacific
4:30 – 6:30 PM Mountain
5:30 – 7:30 PM Central
6:30 – 8:30 PM Eastern
$50 – Includes curriculum you can use right away.
A growth mindset is a powerful way to approach stress and challenges with flexibility and kindness. This is true for students and youth-serving professionals, which is why we’re offering a new training focused on developing this mindset. Our module is specifically designed to meet the needs of all students, especially the most marginalized. Over our two-hour training, we’ll help you approach challenging classroom behavior differently, connect with students who struggle to overcome fixed mindsets of perfectionism and catastrophizing, and move toward more positive classroom culture.
You’ll gain the confidence you need to implement mindfulness in your classroom, team, or organization. You’ll also get to practice techniques to build your own mindfulness and self-compassion habits, a key factor in mental health during stressful times.
Cultivating a Growth Mindset Through Mindfulness + Self-Compassion Objectives
- Introduce mindfulness and self-compassion tools to build a growth mindset for ourselves and for the young people we serve.
- Name and explore the racial and gender implications of mindfulness and self-compassion in the day-to-day experience of marginalized youth.
- Connect social-emotional learning (SEL) skills to a culture of belonging, a restoration of identity, and a healing-centered approach.
- Practice activities and modeling to feel comfortable and confident when teaching mindfulness and self-compassion to girls and youth.
Cultivating a Growth Mindset Through Mindfulness + Self-Compassion Benefits
In this workshop, we will move through multiple activities in order to recognize how our own self-talk impacts us, and what remedies we can apply to everyday scenarios. Our training model is for adult participants to experience activities that they can then facilitate and model for their young people in classroom and afterschool settings.
- Lessons you can use right away with your class, team, or group
- Practical strategies to build your own self-compassion and mindfulness habits
- Practice in modeling and facilitating activities to build young people’s growth mindset
- Community- and network-building with other participants exploring similar challenges and goals
Cultivating a Growth Mindset Through Mindfulness + Self-Compassion was developed by Girls Leadership program and curriculum experts to provide SEL skills to youth-serving professionals, and tested by educators and students to ensure it meets their needs.
Need resources right now?
Try 26 SEL check-ins for In-Person Learning This resource is intended as a foundation to ground students in a brave space.
Join us for an upcoming Workshop or Training.