As we approach the end of the school year, many of us – students, teachers, coaches, and school professionals – are feeling ready for summer break. With a mental health crisis worsening among youth, and educators experiencing record levels of burnout and compassion fatigue, it’s no wonder. Self-care bubble baths and 15-minute power naps aren’t enough. We need lasting ways to feel better.
Girls Leadership knows that educators need practical and proven methods for creating healing-centered spaces, not just for the youth they serve but for themselves. In response to this ongoing need, Girls Leaderships is offering Collective Belonging: SEL Strategies for Gender + Racial Equity, a three-day workshop in which participants get to experience all of our modules on Social-Emotional Learning. More than classes, this is an opportunity for educators to come together and share openly with a community that truly understands them.
The Collective Belonging training modules encompass topics like brave space groundwork and culturally responsive mindsets and are designed with the needs of the most marginalized girls in mind. We cover emerging fields like interrupting bias, leaving space for newcomers and the experienced to discuss these topics honestly. The exercises prepare educators to support all students across all gender and racial identities with evidence-based strategies to help girls and gender-expansive youth become more confident, comfortable and brave.
“This entire curriculum is based on equity and access. Bless your work, this is really helpful for addressing diversity in my content. There isn’t a lot available online at times which adds on to our teacher load and having this content available to me now makes it that much easier to be fully present during class.”
-Participant from Los Angeles, CA
Educators who attend say they came for their students, but discovered a sense of belonging for themselves. In addition to concrete tools for addressing burnout, Girls Leadership is committed to creating safe, welcoming spaces for dialogue. Whether participants come with a group or by themselves, by sharing their experiences, sharing thoughts, and sharing meals, every cohort builds a unique sense of community—which is a lasting source of true self-care and renewal.
“One of the most beautiful and joyous moments was watching the group take care of itself. They had embraced this culture of ‘be as you are.’” –Girls Leadership Participant
Together, we can accomplish a lot in three days, but we know the real work begins once participants leave. That’s why we send them back to their students with 93 lesson plans designed for middle schoolers and adaptable to K-12 students. These resources, along with the connections and community participants create, are sources of lasting resilience. That’s why 86% are already using what they’ve learned with girls they serve, and 100% of participants would recommend our training to a friend or colleague.
This program will go to waitlist. Don’t wait to sign up.
Comments 1
The focus on creating healing-centered spaces and promoting equity is much needed in our education system. It’s not just about teaching the curriculum, but also about nurturing a sense of belonging and resilience among students and teachers alike.Thanks!