A Guide To Speaking Up

1 min read, plus practice time.

In honor of Election Day, we offer some tips for speaking up and celebrating your voice every day. This is especially important for grown-ups who care about girls, because too many of our girls will lose their voice as they approach adolescence. We know every girl has what it takes to thrive. It’s up to us make sure that none of them lose it.

When in school, most kids are taught to raise their hand before they speak. Walk by any kindergarten classroom, and you’ll see lots of these.

I Know!

I know!

The challenge is that we are taught to care about what others – teachers, friends, classmates – think. This fear of not getting it 100% right often causes hands to drop, and elbows to protrude.

The Broken Chicken Wing

Please don't notice my hand!

This broken chicken wing approach still gets some kids caught speaking to the class unprepared. When they feel embarrassed, courage shrinks and the hand becomes frozen in fear on the desk.

Frozen Hand

No way I'm risking this

It’s true, this approach keeps our kids safe from judgment, but also keeps them free from taking risks, asking questions, or building resilience.

To keep our girls from losing their voices, let’s practice raising our hands like a kindergartner.

Raise it up!

Read more from Girls Leadership:

on Leadership     by Simone Marean     on Parenting

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