Have you noticed that when we acquire something new like a car or a meal at a restaurant, we often think about what we want out of that thing? We think about what’s going to make us happy and satisfied. We don’t often think that way about what we value in friendships and relationships, and girls don’t …
Each October 11th we celebrate International Day of the Girl. According to UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, There are 1.1 billion girls today, a powerful constituency for shaping a sustainable world that’s better for everyone. They are brimming with talent and creativity. But their dreams and potential are …
When bestselling author Peggy Orenstein has something to say about girls, we listen. From inequality in the classroom to princess obsession and beyond, Peggy has devoted her life to shining a light on the most critical issues facing girls and women. Read on for an exclusive Q & A with Peggy, and to win a …
Why We All Need Microbravery Now Asking someone to pet their dog. Ordering an ice cream cone. Asking someone to dance. Requesting a discount on a damaged item in a store. Thanking your bus driver. What do these everyday acts have in common? They’re all forms of microbravery: small, everyday risks that take us out …
Your kid forgot his homework. Again. You spy it sitting on the table by the front door, where he neglected to slip it into his bookbag. You can easily stash it in your briefcase and drop it off on your way to work. Do you do it? No way, says middle school teacher and journalist …
Which of the following facts are women’s leadership issues? (a) Girls and boys are less likely to support other girls in leadership positions. (b) Mothers display bias against girls as leaders (c) All of the above. If you answered “c,” you’re right. Last month, Harvard’s Making Caring Common Project published these findings in “Leaning Out: …
Pop Quiz: Who does a teen girl turn to first when she’s feeling low on courage? If you guessed friends, you’d be wrong. The answer was moms. Surprised? So were we. In Girls Leadership’s first major study, “Dare to Dream, Dare to Act: What Girls Say About Bravery,” 77% of girls ages 13-17 said they …
FROM: Rachel Simmons TO: Friends, Family, Colleagues, Readers, Old Students, Current Students, Parents, Teachers, Random People I Went to High School With & Spammers DATE: February 18, 2010 RE: The Curse of the E-Good Girl I’m so sorry for taking this long to write you back. I was away for a few days and am …
Hi Rachel,
There’s this girl that I’ve been friends with for several years and I’ve always considered her as my best friend. Lately, though, she hasn’t really been acting like a friend. She has been putting me down a lot with little teasing remarks. I mean they aren’t that major just small things, but I’m a very sensitive person and they really hurt.
I don’t say anything because I don’t want her to think that I’m overly sensitive, emotional, or weak, so I just kind of shrug them off and try to forgive and forget, which for me is nearly impossible.
I had just started a fifth grade class when a student began waving her hand and doing that “Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!” thing that I used to do when I couldn’t contain myself.* “Okay,” she said, “what if, like, my friend asks me if I like the dress she was buying and I didn’t like it …