Our next Girl and Grownup workshops are right around the corner, and Girls Leadership staff have been hard at work to tailor this year’s program to the evolving needs of participants of every age and ability. To lead this intergenerational approach, Girls Leadership recently hired a Family Program Director,  Laureina Toler-Farmer, or Beina, who is …

On June 22, 2023 the Positive Coaching Alliance hosted a webinar with Girls Leadership’s Dr. Kendra Carr, and Carolyn Sideco, Certified Athletic Administrator and Consultant, on how to effectively recruit and retain girls onto your sports teams and throughout your programs, especially in under-served areas. The discussion was moderated by Kim Turner, Positive Coaching Alliance …

Youth organizing is a powerful force, and Girls Leadership is proud to have supported the second annual youth-led conference. This year’s conference, Gen Z for Planet A, was developed and run entirely by the Girl Advisory Board (GAB), and featured advocacy training, panel discussions, and expert presentations. Over the course of the half-day event, attendees …

Last year, with support from Girls Leadership’s Empower Club, youth at Latitude High School in Oakland created and modeled in a photoshoot to embody strength, vulnerability, and body confidence. They held a creative showcase of their photos and poetry called “My Beautiful Body” at the Joyce Gordon Gallery in downtown Oakland to share their work …